








1.0 預先準備 



安裝SOAP Server時,需要以下幾項軟體配合,可以先行下載: 


1.      Web Container: Apache Tomcat





1.1 安裝 



The Apache-SOAP distribution can be installed for use as a client or as a server. This document provides installation instructions for both cases and also has a trouble shooting section to help sort out common installation related problems.


Important note for users upgrading from older versions of Apache SOAP: If you are upgrading from an older version of Apache SOAP then you must be sure to remove any cached class files, DeployedServices.ds files etc. or you will get a variety of strange errors. If you deployed Apache SOAP using a Web app, then any old expanded WARs must also be removed. Services deployed into the old version cannot be automatically transferred to the new version - you must manually re-deploy them to the new version. That is, the old DeployedServices.ds file cannot be read by this new version. We apologize in advanced for the pain this will cause some of our users. If you are in fact upgrading from an older version of Apache SOAP and get any funny, unusual looking exceptions or behavior, then most likely the problem is some unexpected interaction with code from the older version. Please clean up and try again or try installing in a virgin environment.


Unpack the Distribution



We assume that you have downloaded the binary distribution of Apache-SOAP and have extracted the archive into the directory /foo. Thus the files from the distribution are in the directory /foo/soap-2_3/.


Note that if you are on a Win32 machine then you should replace "/" with "\" as you follow these instructions.


2.0 Client-Side Instructions



Your classpath must contain /foo/soap-2_3/lib/soap.jar and the following:


  • mail.jar from JavaMail


  • activation.jar from JavaBeans Activation Framework


  • JAXP compatible, namespace-aware XML parser such as Apache Xerces(v1.1.2 or later). If you have other non-namespace aware XML parsers on your classpath then the namespace-aware parser must be at the front of your classpath. Apache SOAP will not work otherwise.


Additionally, to run the samples that came with the distribution, add /foo/soap-2_3 to your classpath.



3.0 Server-Side Instructions



You need to ensure that the server classpath contains all of the above components. In addition, to implement services in scripting languages (such as the calculator sample), addbsf.jar from BSF and js.jar from Rhino to your classpath.


To install the server-side of Apache-SOAP, you need a Web application server that supports servlets and JSPs (if you want to run the admin client as well).


Installing the router servlets and admin client: The instructions for how to install varies from one app server to another. Here are instructions for the following servers:


Didn't find yours listed? See whether the instructions for Tomcat (for example) gives you enough hints on how to do it. If not, first check the FAQ (http://xml.apache.org/soap/faq) and if that fails try asking on the Apache-SOAP user's list; more than likely someone else has done it already. You can subscribe to the list here: http://xml.apache.org/soap/mail.html.


Testing Your Server-Side Installation 



Point your browser to:










where port is 8080, or 4040, or whatever port your particular HTTP server is listening on. The browser should display the following:


SOAP (RPC|Message) Router



Sorry, I don't speak via HTTP GET- you have to use HTTP POST to talk to me.


If you don't see this message, your server is not configured correctly. If you do, you now know your router URLs: they are the URLs you pointed your browser to.


To test whether you have proper server and client-side stuff set up, follow the client-side instructions to put the right things on your classpath and type the following:


java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient rpc-router-url list


where the first argument above is the RPC router URL you determined earlier (the one with "rpcrouter" at the end). 
[NOTE: The above command line is one long line; your browser may show it on two lines but do NOT put it on two lines!]



If this succeeds you will see it return with no output or with a list of URIs. Either case is successful - it indicates what services are already deployed on your server. If you get anything else then its time to troubleshoot.


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